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Promotion to Member - Mattatuide

This IPX bulletin is to inform the Team that Mattatuide has been promoted to the status of “Member” by the BoD for services performed for Team IPX.
Mattatuide has been with the team for 28 weeks now and in that time has served us as a Captain and Organizer in the QW ladder and has set a good example for the team.

The almighty Chewbacca wanted this message passed on to Mattatuide:
oaoowhrrrcraaohuanraaoahoowhc scraaoaoraaohuahwawo,
rooohu scraorwo aoworasc ahakk akrcoohuwa.
rooohu rarcwo rawh wokrascakanwo aooo raanan aoacoocwo acoowhoorcrarcro scwoscrhworcc ohacoo ohahcac aooo acrahowo aoacwo aoahaoanwo ooww scwoscrhworc aooo rhwo rhwocaoooohwowa huakoowh aoacwosc.
orwowoak huak aoacwo rroooowa ohoorcor.

Congratulations Mattatuide. Keep up the good work.

In other news, Team IPX Merchandise Orders have flowed in and the First Order will be placed next week.

Team IPX


Microman's picture


Congrats Mattatuide!

Very well done.

Fuzz's picture

Congrats Matt

Well deserved mate.

Robag's picture

w00t so sweet

well played
good game

congrates Mattatuide
i take it you can read wookie Yes/No

robag wonders if Mrs Mattatuide will let matt view the interwebs while on holidays :)


Sha8doW's picture

Grats Matt

PS anyone who didnt buy IPX merchandise sucks!


GW Matt

Congrats Matt

You have def earned it mate

n0mad's picture


Great Leadership there Matt…….

n0w lets run 0ver that hill………….


Somtin's picture


Grats Matt. Well deserved.

I’m never really around much because of school and timezones issues, but I see you name pop up in leadership spots everywhere, so IMO, its well deserved. Grats!

willow's picture


Well done and congrats on your promotion!

i would just like to say....


wow thanks guys it was the last thing i thought i would see when i got home.

I think i have made a good home here and imo you cant get a better team.

ohacwowh rooohu aohurr oowh acahc ohahwhorro


nw lol

there better be no “Everyone must do what Matt says” rule ;)

he he

*evil grin

now you dont have to listen to the founders :D

“Rule 6: Honorary Members must do what Fuzz says”

just say honorary once you become a member ya can do what ever ya like.

(im so gonna get demoted when fuzz and shad see this)

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